The unique technologies in HitmanPro.Alert are designed to stop threats before they emerge and aims to protect your vulnerable software, data and identity against current and future attacks, without requiring prior knowledge of the attack or malicious program. Alternative endpoint security solutions only focus on blocking malware delivery from web pages and email attachments, but HitmanPro.Alert also recognizes the capabilities of more devious attackers. It is purpose-built to disrupt attacks in real-time across the entire cyber attack life-cycle. With exemplary exploit technique prevention and proactive malware detection and remediation, HitmanPro.Alert not only prevents breaches: its many Risk Reduction features also limit motivated and skilled attackers' abilities when they do succeed in compromising your PC. The exclusive Risk Reduction features of HitmanPro.Alert include behavior-based protection against high-impact crypto-ransomware, a prolific threat that slips by web filters and antivirus defenses every day. This type of infection—also generalized as cryptoware and cryptolocker—goes after images, documents, and other personal and critical data on local disks, connected USB drives and shared folders on servers. Cryptolocker malware encrypts the computer files of its victims and demands ransom money for the decryption key.
"Overall, HitmanPro.Alert offers an effective extra security measure against online threats."
We Provide Cracked Software For Education Purpose Only. You May Not Use This Crack To Make Money Or Use It For Commercial Purpose.
We Provide Cracked Software For Education Purpose Only. You May Not Use This Crack To Make Money Or Use It For Commercial Purpose.
- On-demand Malware Detection and Remediation
- Safe Browsing (Man-in-the-Browser Detection)
- Pseudo Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
- Multilingual User Interface
- Fine-grained Per-Application Mitigation Settings
- Keystroke Encryption
- CryptoGuard
- Exploit Mitigation
- Advanced Threat Reporting
- High DPI User Interface
Title:- Hitman Pro.Alert 3
File Size:- 5 MB
Requirements:- Windows (All Versions)
Updated:- 9 Sept, 2016
Author:- SurfRight
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